I received my PhD in Educational Philosophy, specifically Cognition and Learning, from Lakehead University in 2014, with a specialization in Mathematics Education. I received my MEd from Lakehead University in 2009, and a Bachelor of Elementary Education from the University of West Florida in 200...
I received my PhD in Educational Philosophy, specifically Cognition and Learning, from Lakehead University in 2014, with a specialization in Mathematics Education. I received my MEd from Lakehead University in 2009, and a Bachelor of Elementary Education from the University of West Florida in 2000.
I have been at Laurier since 2017. I taught elementary school from 2000 to 2016. I taught as a Sessional Lecturer at Lakehead University from 2008 to 2016, and then taught at University of Alberta for the 2016–2017 academic year.