Yang Liu

Photo of Yang Liu

Professor Faculty of Science Physics and Computer Science Waterloo, Ontario yangliu@wlu.ca Office: (548) 889-3912


I completed my Ph.D. at York University in 2008. Following that, I was at Shandong University, holding positions as an Associate Professor and Full Professor from 2009 to 2017, prior to my role at Laurier.

My research interests generally include machine learning, data analysis, deep lear...

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I completed my Ph.D. at York University in 2008. Following that, I was at Shandong University, holding positions as an Associate Professor and Full Professor from 2009 to 2017, prior to my role at Laurier.

My research interests generally include machine learning, data analysis, deep learning, and recommender system, with an emphasis on designing new algorithms and models for managing and mining social and urban spatio-temporal data.

Recently, I am focusing on the following research directions:

- Data analytics and machine learning (e.g., deep learning and AI,
recommender and filtering systems, interpretability of deep models, Web

- Understanding multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing,
text mining, image processing)

- Efficient data processing (e.g., database systems, indexing and query

- Applications (e.g., urban computing systems, social media)

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

Lori Chalmers Morrison
Director: Integrated Communications
(548) 889-4857

Vanessa Barrasa
Director: Communications & Issues Management
(548) 889-3812

Brantford Campus:

Beth Gurney
Director, Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
(548) 889-4199

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