Masoud Jelokhani-Niaraki

Photo of Masoud Jelokhani-Niaraki

Professor Faculty of Science Chemistry and Biochemistry Waterloo, Ontario


PhD in Biological and Biophysical Chemistry, Saga University (Japan), 1995

MSc in Biological Chemistry, Saga University, 1992

BSc in Chemistry, Sharif Univerity of Technology, 1986

Research Interests
- Conformation and ion transport properties of the mitochondr...

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PhD in Biological and Biophysical Chemistry, Saga University (Japan), 1995

MSc in Biological Chemistry, Saga University, 1992

BSc in Chemistry, Sharif Univerity of Technology, 1986

Research Interests
- Conformation and ion transport properties of the mitochondrial carrier
proteins to elucidate their physiological roles

- Mechanism of interaction of natural and synthetic antimicrobial peptides,
neuropeptides and antioxidant peptides with biological membranes as a
crucial step in their biological activity

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

Lori Chalmers Morrison
Director: Integrated Communications
(548) 889-4857

Vanessa Barrasa
Director: Communications & Issues Management
(548) 889-3812

Brantford Campus:

Beth Gurney
Director, Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
(548) 889-4199

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