I am a Professor in the Departments of Kinesiology/Physical Education and Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, a Laurier Research Chair (2019-present) in Group Dynamics and Physical Activity, and a former Canada Research Chair (Tier II; 2009-2019).
I received my undergraduate degre...
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I am a Professor in the Departments of Kinesiology/Physical Education and Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, a Laurier Research Chair (2019-present) in Group Dynamics and Physical Activity, and a former Canada Research Chair (Tier II; 2009-2019).
I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo and my Master’s and PhD from The University of Western Ontario. From 2004-2009, I was a faculty member in the School of Human Kinetics at Laurentian University.
My current research interests include role commitment/acceptance in sport, the measurement and correlates of cohesion, and the application of group dynamics across contexts (sport, exercise, organizations). My research related to cohesion in youth physical activity groups was supported by a 3 year standard research grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; 2005-2008) and continued with support through Ontario’s Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award program (2007-2012). Funding from SSHRC also supported work related to understanding athlete perceptions of role commitment and acceptance (2013-2017). More recent work focused on the physical activity and social integration of New Canadians via a Partnership Development Grant (SSHRC 2019-2022) in colloboration with Laurentian University, Focus for Ethnic Women, KW Multicultural Centre, City of Kitchener, Region of Waterloo Public Health, and the Sun Life Financial Centre for Physically Active Communities. I have published my research in top sport and exercise psychology journals, as a co-author of the book Group Dynamics in Sport (2020; 5th edition; Fitness Information Technology), and as a co-editor of Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology (2014; Routledge) and The Power of Groups in Youth Sport (2020; Academic Press/Elsevier).
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