Lindie Hanyu Liang

Photo of Lindie Hanyu Liang

Assistant Professor Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Waterloo, Ontario Office: (519) 884-0710 ext. 4514

Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

Lori Chalmers Morrison
Director: Integrated Communications
(548) 889-4857

Vanessa Barrasa
Director: Communications & Issues Management
(548) 889-3812

Brantford Campus:

Beth Gurney
Director, Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
(548) 889-4199

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BSc (University of Toronto), MA (University of Waterloo), PhD (University of Waterloo)

Lindie Liang is an Assistant Professor of OB/HRM in the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University. She completed her PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the Un...

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BSc (University of Toronto), MA (University of Waterloo), PhD (University of Waterloo)

Lindie Liang is an Assistant Professor of OB/HRM in the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University. She completed her PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the University of Waterloo.

Prior to joining Laurier, Lindie was an Assistant Professor at the School of Human Resources Management at York University.

Lindie's research interests can be broadly classified into three overlapping areas: leadership, workplace aggression, and emotions. In studying those areas of interest, a recurring theme of Lindie's research involves the application of motivational theories to develop an understanding of when and why employees behave in certain ways.

Lindie’s work has been published in various academic outlets, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.

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