Brian McCaig

Photo of Brian McCaig

Director, Laurier Centre for Economic Research and Policy Analysis Professor Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Economics Waterloo, Ontario Office: (519) 884-0710 ext. 4941

Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

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Media Relations

Aonghus Kealy
Communications and Media Relations Officer
(548) 889-4855

Lori Chalmers Morrison
Director: Integrated Communications
(548) 889-4857

Vanessa Barrasa
Director: Communications & Issues Management
(548) 889-3812

Brantford Campus:

Beth Gurney
Director, Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
(548) 889-4199

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Prior to joining Laurier, Brian McCaig was a lecturer and research fellow in the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University. He has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries program, the ...

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Prior to joining Laurier, Brian McCaig was a lecturer and research fellow in the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University. He has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries program, the Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries program and the World Bank. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, the International Food Policy Research Institute and the US Department of Labor.

He has a number of ongoing projects. These include (1) examining how microenterprises in Vietnam are affected by the new export opportunities, (2) studying the reallocation of workers across private, foreign and state-owned firms in Vietnam in response to a positive export shock, (3) exploring how young workers, particularly women, were affected by the surge of foreign direct investment into Vietnam during the past 20 years, and (4) analysing the impacts of special economic zones in Vietnam on firm performance.

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